Cowboys and Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

Hello Friend,

I meant to have you over sooner, but somehow the days passed and here we are a week later!

Did you have a nice Easter? Ours was very quiet. And lovely.

Babe, The Cowboy and I played some old board games, including one from my childhood called Wide World. My brothers and I used to play it often. You can’t buy them new anymore, but I did see some used ones online for a ridiculous price. I guess it is an antique by now. 



We also played Monopoly – the Canadian Edition. Babe said she probably wouldn’t recognize the original because we’ve only ever played the Canadian one. It’s the same game but all of the properties are called by Canadian streets. Instead of Boardwalk and Park Place, we have Douglas Street and Granville Street. And so on.

Anyway, I only mention Monopoly because I actually won! I completely bankrupted the Cowboy, to his utter vexation, and shortly after that Babe and I counted up our profits. I’m still celebrating because, as I said, I used to play games with my brothers and I don’t remember once winning Monopoly when I played with them. Their Monopoly games went on for days and I usually quit long before they were done.


Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay 


We’re having strawberry rhubarb pie with our tea today. I wonder who first thought of putting sweet strawberry together with tart rhubarb. They do merge into a mouth-watering combination, don’t you think?

Pie is the Cowboy’s all-time favourite food, and I had a time keeping a couple of pieces aside just for you and me. 

Warmed up, and with a dollop of classic vanilla ice cream, I know it will be just the thing. 



Aren’t these bouquets cheery? The Cowboy brought them home from his grocery run, and they brightened up a fairly grey weekend. Grey outside maybe, but bright and hopeful inside. I like to think their radiance was so enticing that they eventually coaxed the sun to peek out and bestow a brilliant smile on us.



Mmm? Ah, yes. You’re not the first to ask why I refer to my hubby as The Cowboy. Thank you for asking, I love to talk about this extraordinary man.  

First of all, when I met him way back when we were both sixteen, he wore western shirts and cowboy boots. One of my first gifts from him was a pair of my own boots. On one of our earliest dates he introduced me to his mare’s brand-new foal. Many of our dates were horseback rides, and that foal was to become a big part of our lives once we married, moved onto the place where he grew up, and started growing our own family. All three of our girls learned to ride on her.


Image by 272447 from Pixabay


The other reason is the Cowboy Code. Though I wouldn’t have been able to put it into words when we met, they were the qualities that attracted me to him. It was only later, when I realized there was such a thing as the Cowboy Code, that I recognized how well it described him.


The Cowboy Code:

Live each day with courage.

Take pride in your work.

Always finish what you start.

Do what has to be done.

Be tough, but fair.

When you make a promise, keep it.

Ride for the brand.

Talk less and say more.

Remember that some things aren’t for sale.

Know where to draw the line.


In short – honesty, integrity, community, God. Yes, that definitely describes him.


Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay 


I think spring may actually be just around the corner here on the Canadian prairies. Isn’t it refreshing to get outside on days like this? Even if it’s only to step one foot outdoors and breathe.

Where do days go, in isolation, and how does one account for them? Is it by the ticks on your checklist? By the number of things you got accomplished? Puzzle pieces snapped in place, books read, minutes logged staring out the window?

As one friend put it, we need to be gentle with ourselves in this time of isolation.

It’s okay to do all the things or not to do any thing.

It’s okay if you catch yourself staring out the window instead of sweeping the floor.

These sober times bear thinking about. Seclusion brings us to thoughts we hadn’t considered before. It’s teaching us to appreciate in ways we hadn’t up to now. And it takes time and space to process the losses.

But sometimes we just need to remind ourselves to breathe.

Get out for a walk today, if you can. Fresh air changes perspective, and we all need that once in awhile.

See you next time.



Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay 


Image by 272447 from Pixabay 


~~ Feel free to comment below. I try to answer every one, usually within the week. ~~


Featured image of flower vase and bowl of strawberries by Jill Wellington from Pixabay


  1. Your posts, Joy, are a delight! A real boon for the senses in these upside down times. I enjoyed hearing more about your earliest years with the Cowboy and learning about the Cowboy Code.

    Strawberry and rhubarb really do go together well, especially with a generous dollop of classic vanilla ice cream. Can’t be beat for spring deliciousness!

    Wishing you a beautiful day…
    Brenda xox

    1. Thank you for visiting, Brenda. Spring deliciousness … yes it is … and maybe just maybe Spring herself is right around the corner.

  2. I do enjoy being invited to your home, Joy. And I especially enjoy learning more about your family – today, why your dear hubby is referred to as The Cowboy. It gives me a bigger picture of you as well.

    Looking forward to our next afternoon of tea and… Hmmm…. We had pie today. I wonder what we might have next time? Can I bring something?

    1. It’s a treat to have you here, Bobbi, thanks for coming. What to have next time … hmmm, I have a few ideas. Of course, bring whatever you wish!

  3. Thanks for the lovely visit, Joy, and the pictures. I think I need to go and do some baking although pie isn’t my forte.

    1. My mom makes the best apple pie – her flaky crust is perfection. I haven’t attained that yet, but I’m working on it. What is your baking forte, I wonder.

  4. Strawberry-Rhubarb is my man’s favourite too. I don’t have a name for him but maybe I should. Lovely post Joy!
    Pam M

  5. When we lived on the place where The Cowboy grew up, we grew the best rhubarb. I do miss it. Thanks for stopping in, Pam.

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