November Day Book

I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says, ‘go to sleep, darlings, till summer comes again.’

Lewis Carroll


Hello Friend,

How wonderful to see you! Thank you for making the trek through the snow. Leave your boots here by the door, and I’ll take your coat as you cozy up by the fireplace. There’s the burgundy wing chair with a footstool, if you like, or the big grey leather chair that’s made for curling up in. Slippers? These knitted ones are the best to warm up your toes.

Now, what will you have today? Coffee or tea? Or perhaps hot chocolate will satisfy your craving. Any of those can be had in a moment. And all of them will go perfectly with the apple coffee cake just out of the oven. Did you smell the cinnamon when you came in?


Photo by Jill Wellington from Pixabay


It’s our first big snow of the year, and I think it’s here to stay this time. I know some people cringe to see winter’s arrival, but I love to watch the snow come down. Especially the way it did this time … in gentle big flakes that descended without effort or resistance before landing softly on the ground. As if time wasn’t a thing.

Days are shorter, which only means indoors is cozier and we surround ourselves with quiet activities and people we love.

Looking out my window

The boughs of the wise old evergreens are heavy with snow. Even the deciduous trees are adorned with delicate lace, as though fashioned for an exquisite wedding veil.

The Cowboy has been busy outside stringing lights and garland on railings and trees, and on the darkest evenings they glow and glitter. Apparently, we’ve run out of lights and need to go for more! Right now he’s shovelling the walks outside my window … a very wintery chore.

One of my favourite things …

In October, The Cowboy and I hosted three of our grandsons for two weeks while their parents took a much needed vacation. It was a hectic, joyous time. Daily schoolwork (a rushed affair as, according to them, there were much more important things to do), lots of outdoor time, cuddles with pets, lessons in loom knitting, cozy bedtime chats, and many other things filled our days.

One afternoon The Cowboy and I were unusually all alone in the house. I looked out the kitchen window to discover a teepee being built out of tall dead branches that the boys had dragged from the woods. It gave me a thrill to see three boys, left to their own devices–and not the digital kind–working together to build something. It’s still standing six weeks later. (The Cowboy has strung lights on it.) Every time I look at it I’m reminded that the world may have changed a lot recently, but the essentials are still there.

Might be hard to see because the trees are so big, but some of the branches on the teepee are 10 feet tall.


Where is there a boy to whom the call of the wild and the open road does not appeal?

Robert Baden-Powell


I am creating …

A couple of quilts. One is called Cottage Romance: lots of soft pinks, greens, yellows, and whites. Hoping to get it finished by Spring, when it will go on one of the guest beds. The other is a scrappy quilt in vintage Christmas colours. It will be finished this week.




Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.

Vincent Van Gogh


I am wearing …

Yoga pants, long-sleeved pink ribbed shirt with gold-coloured buttons, cozy socks.

I am listening to …


I am learning

To keep on the alert for wildlife out here in lake country. As often as a sighting occurs, I’m still surprised and thrilled to witness it. This morning I looked up from my desk to see two moose skimming over the snow covered field across the road. I was going to say ‘lumbering,’ because that’s how you’d expect a moose to run. But, for all their bulky bodies and spindly legs, this mother and grown calf looked like they were skimming effortlessly across the snow.

In my garden …

Everything is put to bed for the winter. The blackened wooden garden boxes stand out distinctly against the snow-laced trees behind them. A few determined larkspur leaves peek out from their blanket of snow.

Closing Notes …

Technically it’s not winter, but it sure feels like it out there. Which is why I so appreciate you stopping in for a visit today. Stay safe out there, and see you next time.


My old grandmother always used to say, Summer friends will melt away like summer snows, but winter friends are friends forever.

George R. R. Martin


Feature Image by Nicky ❤️🌿🐞🌿❤️ from Pixabay

Thanks to Peggy for the Daybook inspiration.


  1. Your post was worth waiting for, Joy. Loved every word. And such gorgeous pics of your winter wonderland. The teepee with lights must be so magical to see at night. Your grands will be delighted when they come in December. Thanks for a cozy post on a cold wintery morning. I’ll have coffee with the cake you offered. Sounds yummy.

    Your opening lines remind me a little of the invitation The Friendly Giant used to give the children on his CBC program so many years ago. Welcoming and cozy.

    Wishing you a beautiful day,
    Brenda xo

  2. Lovely post, Joy! So calming and so cozy! Your grandkids must love spending time with both of you. Thank God for our many blessings in this life. May you both have a wonderful Christmas with your family.

  3. Thank you Joy for this good read on a cold winter night burr…..but warming for the soul.

    Always enjoy your writings:)

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