September and the Bend in the Road

A bend in the road is not the end of the road, unless you fail to make the turn.

Helen Keller


Hello Friend,

Welcome back! I’m so glad you’ve dropped in today. We’ve been having perfect September days, which is a blessing after such a tumultuous summer.

I have tea and cupcakes waiting out on the deck. Come on out and let’s enjoy this weather.



Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the Fall.

F. Scott Fitzgerald


I don’t know about you, but for me September is the beginning of the new year. The air is fresh and pregnant with new beginnings. I buy new daytimers, feel hopeful about new goals, add new journals to my growing stash. And I can’t resist wandering the store to look at school supplies. The nostalgia and memories they bring! Yes, September is all that for me.


The track of the golden autumn wound its bright way visibly through the green summer of the trees.

Wilkie Collins


September feels fleeting too, at least it does where I live. All too soon the biting winds will arrive, ushering in grey days and dark nights. So I feel like I need to purposely take it in; to stand on the deck (sitting is not purposeful enough) and acknowledge how the sound of the rustling leaves is different this time of year. I must deliberately walk by the flower bed and applaud the zinnias for saving their most colourful songs until now; to praise the sunflowers, which were seeds the size of my pinky fingernail in May, now grown taller and straighter than I am.


Image by Vijaya narasimha from Pixabay


teach me to 
in change.
to learn the 
of release.
to savor the 
last of the wild blooms
before they go.


This September, the bend in the road is taking The Cowboy and me somewhere new. We’ve been cleaning out and rearranging. The Cowboy has been putting in extra storage shelves, finishing up the little kitchen downstairs, and making room in the shop. Then, my parents moved into a suite in our walkout basement.

The moving truck arrived this week with their furniture and possessions, and we all got to work unpacking and moving them in. Babe came out on her day off to help, reminiscing with Grandma whenever she came upon something she remembered from Grandma’s house. Old and treasured possessions in a new home, making it instantly cozy and comforting.

However, to feel at home will take time. This is a big bend in the road for them, having left their home and province of decades. But I’m so glad they’re here.


In every change, in every falling leaf there is some pain, some beauty. And that’s the way new leaves grow.

Amit Ray


Change is hard, but having lived through many changing seasons myself I’ve learned that pain and beauty can exist side-by-side. And sometimes, the pain makes the beauty stand out even more if one only chooses to take it in.

And God is good.


Everyone must make time to sit and watch the leaves change.

Elizabeth Lawrence


Thanks so much for stopping by today, I’ve missed you! I hope we can have another visit before too long. Stay safe out there, and see you next time.



Feature Image by Michael Schwarzenberger from Pixabay All other images not captioned, by Jill Wellington of Pixabay.


  1. A lovely autumnal post – bitter sweetness in some of the words but still comforting. I like these lines you wrote:

    “Change is hard, but having lived through many changing seasons myself I’ve learned that pain and beauty can exist side-by-side. And sometimes, the pain makes the beauty stand out even more if one only chooses to take it in. And God is good.”

    Oh yes!

    Thank you, Joy!

  2. Reading this has forced me (in a good way) to pause, look out at the trees, and watch them bend and sway in your music choice. It is an overcast, drizzly day here in the Columbia Valley (south of Chilliwack) where Doug’s sister and husband live, surrounding by thousands of Christmas trees that they sell every Christmas. The trees are changing colour but not yet like the prairies that we left behind a week ago. We are here in the lower mainland for another week. I will try to remember to take time to pause and enjoy the surrounding scenery with ALL five of my senses. “And God is good.” Amen! Bless you today, Friend.

  3. No wonder you’ve been so quiet!
    Yes, it is a big change indeed – for all of you. I reckon, there will be many more new doors to open and new spaces to discover through the coming months and years, but love will find a way. It always does.

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