March Daybook and Golden Moments

The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us, and we see nothing but sand; the angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone.

George Eliot


Hello Friend,

Welcome! And thanks for stopping in. It’s been a long time since we’ve had a visit.

Will you have a cup of tea? There’s cream, sugar, and honey for your perfect cup, here on the kitchen island. And, there are a few slices of The Cowboy’s lemon birthday cake left. Very delicious, if I do say so myself. Come, let’s sit by the fire.

I’d hoped to fit in a short visit with you before we left on our family vacation in February, but it just didn’t work out. So, please settle in for a good long visit today.


Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay


Tea is an invitation to turn our attention inward and find peace in the present moment.

Thich Nhat Hanh


Out in the blogging world, Peggy at The Simple Woman began The Simple Woman’s Daybook years ago, and many of the following prompts are hers.


Looking out my window

After so many snowless weeks, our world has transformed into powdery white stuff … swept into drifts beside buildings, decorating the evergreens with marshmallow-like dollops, and sitting in tufts on the railings.

The sun is shining with all her might in a clear blue sky, but it’s definitely winter. The thermometer shows frigid temperatures, made even colder with the wind. But, the forecast predicts warmer temps later this week. Maybe even above zero!


I am wearing …

Black pants, butter-yellow sweater, old dangly earrings, and my favourite perfume. On the subject of earrings …


Downsizing …

Most people the age of The Cowboy and me are downsizing. We are not … yet. As mentioned before on this blog (click HERE to find it), we built this house for us, with others in mind. So, though it might seem like we have a lot of extra stuff, it’s all put to good use, especially when guests arrive, which is often.

Nevertheless, I am downsizing in one teeny tiny area: my earrings. I decided last week that I’m going to wear each pair of earrings for a day and then decide whether or not I can part with them. I own a lot of earrings. For awhile, Sweetie and Peaches were in the business of selling jewelry, and I got many of them then. However, in the last couple of years I’ve been wearing the same favourites over and over. Some of my nicest pieces, gifts from The Cowboy, I will never part with. But, it’s time to say goodbye to some of the rest.



I am thankful

My three brothers all live far enough away that it requires several hours’ travel to visit together. However, over the last six months we’ve had occasion to see each other more often, and I have to say I really like them. 🙂

Like The Cowboy, they are Good Men. Yes, in a world that seems to be falling apart in so many ways, it is refreshing to come across Good Men, and I’m very thankful for my brothers.



In my kitchen …

The routine has changed a little since Mom & Dad moved into the suite in the walkout basement. The Cowboy and I are more mindful of what and when we plan for supper. Mom cooks once a week, and every day Dad comes upstairs about five o’clock to empty the dishwasher and set the table. He has taken it on himself to do so, and though I feel like I should be the one serving them, it is helpful.


Please, let me warm up your tea. Would you like another slice of cake?


Image from Unsplash


Now, where were we …


I am creating …

My first full-sized quilt. I’ve made many baby quilts, but this is my first adult-sized one. And, I’ve discovered that I made a beginner’s mistake. I took on a quilt with very small pieces, and I think I’ll be working on this one for a long time. At quilt club, whenever I’m working on it and a more senior member walks by, they’ll look at what I’m working on, smile and shake their heads. I know, I know. Rookie mistake. I didn’t know what I was doing.



I’ve been working on it for half a year already and I still love it, so that’s a good sign I’ll continue to completion. You just never can tell about these things.

After cutting out pieces that are 2 inches square, and fitting them together to make 3-1/2 inch blocks, I piece those blocks to other 3-1/2 inch blocks to make bigger blocks. Eventually, all of the tiny pieces will have been pieced into 9-1/2 inch blocks, which will finally be pieced together to make the quilt top. Phew!

Before the cutting and sewing even began, I chose the fabrics and the colours I wanted for the quilt, hoping that when it was all put together, it would be a pleasing creation. Some blocks worked out beautifully, but others seem dull and boring. Yet, when put all together, the beautiful and boring will balance each other to make the creation unique and lovely.

It’s a little like life, I guess. Every little piece of our lives, whether beautiful, difficult, or boring will eventually add up to a whole life-quilt to look at. The finished product will be what we’ve made of it.


How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.

Annie Dillard


I am listening to …

I always have music playing in the background when I’m busy with housework, reading, sewing, or even writing. And often I’ll be stopped in my tracks by a certain piece of music. At those times, I stop what I’m doing, close my eyes and really listen. This is one of those pieces.

There’s a difference between playing music in the background, and purposefully listening to a piece of music. Very very different. Actually listening, eyes closed, taking it in, is healing. I’m convinced it’s one of the best things for our mental and physical health.


A moment from our holiday …

Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.

Michael J. fox


Our girls and their families don’t live near us. In fact, two of them live in two separate provinces, so we work really hard to spend time together a few times a year. The Cowboy and I decided this was the year for a once-in-a-lifetime family vacation.

It’s been a long time since we’ve done a true family vacation. It took so much forethought, calculation, preparation, and planning. I spent more than a few stressful days actually booking the cruise vacation, including flights, for thirteen people – eight adults and five children. But in the end, it was worth it. Our 9-day cruise to the Caribbean was a memory-making adventure; a respite for each family member from personally busy and draining lives.

We had so many good family times. And we got to the end of the holiday still really liking each other and wishing we could do it again. What a blessing to be together!

These people.
These loves.
These precious, precious, precious days.
Thanks be to God.

- From The Lives We Actually Have
by Kate Bowler & Jessica Richie -


Closing Notes

It’s been lovely to have you stop in today. Thank you for taking the time for this visit, and I hope I didn’t talk your ears off.

Stay safe out there, and see you next time.


Featured Image by Jill Wellington


  1. Dear Joy, what a pleasure to read your words today and to catch some snippets of your family life! You are blessed indeed with your parents, your brothers and their families, and with your daughters and their families. May God continue to pour blessings on you and your loved ones.

    1. Jody! So lovely to see you here. Thank you so much for visiting. Yes, I’m blessed with my family and I don’t take them for granted. Thank you for the blessing, I receive it with open arms and open heart. Please visit again.

  2. Joy,
    I look forward to your posts. They bring a peace and calm to my day. I love the music you posted today. I just sat and listened and closed my eyes. I know I need to do that more often. Thank you for sharing your family blessings with us. I love the way you write and pull me into your conversation. The lemon cake was to ‘die for’! I found myself saying, I’ll have another piece please….LOL
    Blessings to you and yours.

    1. Sue, so glad you enjoyed the lemon cake (tee hee). Yes, there’s something about closing our eyes to focus on a beautiful piece of music that helps us breathe deeply and realize we can get through life. I’m so thankful for the musicians who keep working on their art, doing their thing, for the rest of us to enjoy. I so appreciate your visit. Please come again.

  3. Always such a pleasure to read your posts. So glad you had such an awesome family vacation😎
    I too was born into a family with three brothers. So awesome to spend time with them when you can.
    Have a Great Day!!!

    1. I think I appreciate my brothers the older I get, and now that our families are raised we have more time for each other. But it’s time that needs to be made, not just let it happen. Thanks for visiting, Patricia!

    1. So much beautiful music out there, and I do love searching it out. Thanks so much for stopping in today, Ashley. Lovely to have you.

  4. Joy,
    What a joy to hear from you! Happier still to learn of the bits of your life lived so well and tenderly.

    1. We really do have to appreciate what we have in the now, don’t we? Life isn’t perfect but it’s so worth the living and the loving. Thanks for the visit, Caitlynne.

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