February Edition of Simple Woman’s Daybook


For Today



Looking out my window

the snow is in marshmallow-ey mounds over grass and shrubs, chair and fencepost. I love the way the string of lights we have looped around our little cedar trees glows through.


I am thinking

about seasons. How life is a series of seasons. Some are fresh and new, like Spring, while others cut through our layered clothing like an icy wind, trying to freeze our very bones. And we long for the warmth of Summer. 

The north wind doth blow,

And we shall have snow,

And what will poor Robin do then?

Poor thing.

He’ll sit in the barn,

And keep himself warm,

And hide his head under his wing,

Poor thing.


Sometimes, all we can do when that north wind blows is hide our head under our heavenly Father’s wings and trust that it will pass. Spring will come.


I am thankful …

that I’m done with potty-training little ones. Both Sweetie and Peaches have been potty-training their boys this month, and I well remember the dedication and frustration it took.


One of my favourite FAVOURITE things

is a tiny pewter chair, no bigger than my thumb, given to me many years ago by my kindred spirit. In the days before she gave it to me, I had been telling her how there’s a little man who lives in my brain, and all the thoughts I have go into file folders which he dutifully files in the miles and miles of shelves in my head. And, whenever I try to remember something, he always knows which row, which shelf and which file to get. The times when it takes me longer to remember something is because the poor little man had to dig so far in the shelves to retrieve the file that it took him longer than usual. He never rests. He’s a very very busy little man. When she gave me the chair she said, “This is for your little man to sit down.” My heart swells whenever I see that tiny chair because it reminds me that there is someone out there who “gets me” (and even if she doesn’t, she loves me just the way I am).   


I am creating

a new story about the children who live on Gabriel Lane.


I am wearing

black workout pants, and a mint green T-shirt with the words I Know I Can, Today I Will printed in yellow.


I am reading

Agatha Christie’s autobiography. Recommended by a dear writing friend for quite some time, I’ve finally taken it up. Agatha Christie opens the book with these words … One of the luckiest things that can happen to you in life is to have a happy childhood. I had a very happy childhood. So far in my reading, she is eleven years old, and what a delightful read. I highly recommend it.


I am watching

old seasons of The Great British Sewing Bee as I wait for the new season to come out. Will there ever be a new one? I’ve watched them so many times that I feel like I know the competitors. Such nice people! But I’ve found that sewers are generally kind, happy, helpful people. Maybe because creating is such a fulfilling thing that it pushes away all the nastiness that could otherwise arise in one’s life.


I am listening to

Scarlatti Piano Sonatas


In my kitchen

The child-size picnic table and benches still linger … last traces of a Christmas abounding with small grandchildren. 


A moment from my day … 


Post Script

The best thing I saw all week was the twinkle in my mother-in-law’s eyes when her great-grandchildren came to visit.


Closing Notes …

Happy February, dear friends.

May your month be blessed with joy even in the hard times.



  1. The Great British Sewing Bee? I always learn of something new from you Joy! Delightful post (but looking forward to those shrubs green in a picture soon)!

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