Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life.
Rachel Carson
Hello Friend,
Please come in. It’s been awhile since we’ve had a visit, and I’m so glad you dropped by.
I made a lemon cake today – not from scratch, you know – and topped it with vanilla cream icing. Mmmm, the perfect complement to coffee or tea. I’m serving both! Which would you prefer?
I’ve been sitting here listening to the happy voices and high-pitched squeals coming from the schoolyard not far away. Here in the western world, we humans seem so bent on multitasking, on producing, that to sit and do nothing other than listen to happy sounds wafting from a nearby schoolyard would be classified as wasting time.
But you see, those schoolyard sounds were silenced these last few weeks, with the new restrictions sending children home for school until after Victoria Day. It’s always been a favourite sound of mine and now that they’re back, I relish it even more.
I wonder if we have lost the art of savouring. To savour: delight in, enjoy.

To savour is such a discipline of heart and mind, but it brings such rest to the spirit.
Sarah Clarkson
Even in the midst of these isolating times, I’ve been focused on productivity. Have you? It’s like we can’t give ourselves permission to BE. I find myself going through a mental checklist at the end of the day: I got groceries, returned seven emails, finished the sewing project, practiced ukulele, made soup. It was a productive day.
But, if I get to the end of the day and find that I haven’t accomplished much in the way of productivity, of doing, it seems like a wasted day.
I wonder … what if my end-of-day checklist included the things I consciously delighted in that day?
What if my end-of-day checklist included things like I loved the way the light filtered through the window this morning.

I love my tulips, as you know, and right now the tulips in my front garden give me joy every day. Meanwhile, the lilacs in the back yard are on the verge of blooming, and even before they’ve fully arrived, their fragrance is filling the yard. Yesterday evening, The Cowboy came in from the back yard to say, “You need to go out to the patio and breathe the air.”
So I did. And as I did, I thanked God for beautiful lilac fragrances and a husband who cares enough to notice something I would love.

Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.
Rachel Carson
It amazes me how a few moments like that can strengthen me for the rest of the day.
So, I will notice the morning light filtering through my windows. I will take the time to linger near lilacs and listen to children at play.
I will savour the moments given to me, because it’s those mere seconds in time that make life sparkle. Wouldn’t you agree?
Our visit is a little shorter today, I’m afraid. But one of these times remind me to fill you in on the continuing story of Jubal, the adventurous snowman who came to live with us over the winter. He’s gone back to the North Pole now, but it seems he has an anonymous fan, who’s been sending him letters and gifts. It’s all such a mystery. Stay tuned to find out what that’s all about.
Thanks so much for coming, and I hope you enjoyed the lemon cake. I’m sending you off with one of my favourite sounds in the whole world. Anyone from the Canadian prairies will recognize the trill of the Western Meadowlark.
Stay safe out there, and see you next time.
The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe, the less taste we shall have for destruction.
Rachel Carson
Yes! I savour the sound of silence, birdsong, the light in my office window, the glow of the moon, the way it feels to sit in my office in a certain chair! Yesterday, I sat there and enjoyed watching a magpie grooming his feathers. 😌 Thank you, Joy, for reminding us to take those moments and enjoy them. I’ll take coffee with my cake, thanks!🥰
Coffee for me too. Meadowlarks remind me of growing up in Borden–I would hear them often. And yes, one of my favourite birdsongs too. I miss their song here in the city. My lilacs are already blooming. I go out to savour their scent often. I wish they’d bloom all summer. But they don’t–which reminds me that I need to stop often and breathe in their sweet scent.
Thanks for the invite. I enjoy our visits together.
A beautiful reflection, Joy! Although retirement has provided more opportunity for savoring, I can still use more practice. You’ve given me ideas for expanding the discipline: sit outdoors and take note of my surroundings as well as just listen for awhile. With you I also want to breathe deep (several times!) when lovely fragrances and aromas come to my attention. Savoring is surely a God-given way we can provide much-needed rest for our spirits–even when retired!