The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all details of daily life.
William Morris
Hello Friend,
Come in, come in! How nice of you to stop by.
Well, here we are in mid November. I almost can’t believe it, but when I look back to all the happenings in the last several months, there should be no reason why I wouldn’t believe it.
We’re having uncommonly good weather. The snow of a couple weeks ago is gone and we’re not taking any of these days for granted, but it’s still a little chilly so let’s sit here by the fire. This big easy chair is the perfect size to tuck your feet up under you, and the burgundy wing chair is a hug. Please help yourself to tea or coffee. It’s there on the kitchen island, along with cream, sugar, and honey. And, for this cozy day, Mom’s chocolate chip squares.

Looking out my window …
I see evergreens, tall and confident, carrying the wisdom of years. What secrets they could tell of the changes on this little bit of land! I see poplar and trembling aspen trees. They are bare of leaves now, but oh! I do love those trees in winter. In the morning sunrise their white bark glows pale pink, reminding me that beauty remains despite change. It just looks different.

Beauty, wherever we find it, is always telling us the story of our healing.
Sarah Clarkson
I am wearing …
A comfortable print dress with tiny white, orange, and teal flowers on a brown background, brown tights, and sparkly earrings.
One of my new favourite things …
Yesterday I stopped in at a garden centre, which is decked out for Christmas this time of year. It was lovely to walk in through the big rustic doors, hear Christmas music playing, and realize the season is almost upon us! I walked up and down the boardwalk aisles among displays of poinsettias in red and pink and white, evergreen boughs (real and almost real), tropical plants, and Christmassy things like wooden nature ornaments, snowmen, twinkly lights, candlesticks of all sizes, and so much more. It was a pleasant thirty-minute reprieve in my day. I couldn’t resist these mugs. They look like they’re wearing sweaters! And I get a secret thrill every time I use them.
I am creating …
Well, I created a children’s story years ago that I never sent anywhere, but this summer I entered it in a contest and it won first place. Part of the prize is publication and first serial rights in FellowScript magazine. So my story, Willard, will be in that magazine this month. After that, I can post or link the story here if people are interested.
In my garden …
I’ve planted tulip and hyacinth bulbs in pots. Last year I planted so many bulbs in our garden bed at the corner of our property and they never came up. The voles got them all – a common tale around these parts, if you talk to the community. So this year I’m playing it safe – not so many bulbs, and planted in pots instead of in the ground. I’m treating it as an experiment. That way if it doesn’t work out, I won’t be disappointed. But I know I won’t be able to stop the anticipation once Spring rolls around.
I am reading …
All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot – out loud, after suppers, to Mom, Dad, and The Cowboy. Because all three of them grew up on farms, they can relate to these true animal stories excellently told by a veterinarian in 1930’s Yorkshire. We are all getting so many chuckles out of it.
I’ve been watching …
Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones. So interesting and so uplifting. And, the biggest secret of all is that it’s not just about what you eat or how much exercise you get. Look for the trailer on Youtube.
I am listening to …
I am learning …
That there are all kinds of happinesses. Delight and beauty can be found in the smallest of things, like sweater mugs or a cozy chair by the fire; waiting for tulip bulbs to grow or opening big rustic doors and hearing Christmas music for the first time this year. It might take a moment to remind ourselves that it’s there. We only have to open our hearts.
Hoping to live days of greater happiness, I forget that days of less happiness are passing by.
Elizabeth Bishop

Closing Notes …
Thank you for dropping in today, I love your visits. Stay safe out there, and see you next time. Oh! And one more thing …
Post Script …
It’s come to my attention from one of you visitors that you haven’t seen a photo of our finished home. The last you saw of it was here almost two years ago, when I described the history of the land and the desire for our home to be sanctuary for all who enter. So here’s where we are today.
Feature Image by Ralf Kunze from Pixabay
What a lovely daybook post, Joy. Enjoyed reading how your days are unfolding in your corner of the world as the seasons change. What cute Christmas mugs! I imagine your heart gives a little leap as you pull them out to use.
I really like this quote you share by Elizabeth Bishop, “Hoping to live days of greater happiness, I forget that days of less happiness are passing by.” A good reminder not to dismiss the days that come with less shine and fewer supreme happiness moments. They are often the greater portion of our lives, and if we don’t keep watch for the smaller happiness moments, we’ll lose out. Sometimes ‘up at the corners’ is sufficient on those days.
Thanks, Joy.
“Up at the corners.” I love that term! Yes, I agree that sometimes we’re waiting for huge moments of happiness while the more common smaller moments pass by without us even taking notice. Thanks for visiting today.
I always enjoy your invitations to drop in and have a visit with you!!
Now, if you ever discover that those gorgeous red mugs are missing, it would not be much of a mystery if you found them taking up residence at my place!! I love red mugs and those would have called out to me as well.
Thanks for the visit Joy!! It is always a pleasure!
Grace, you are welcome anytime to come over and use those mugs. They’ve taken a prominent spot in my china cabinet for the season.
Sometimes we just need to sit back and listen and see all that is really there around us. Your blog posts always seem to help put me in that space. Thank you, Joy! Once again. 🙂 I have actually read this one twice, because I enjoyed it so. And I am listening to the music you posted as I write. <3 Kathy
Thank you, Kathy, and I’m so glad you took the time to visit today.
Lovely, gentle and so heart-warming.
Thanks for the invitation. I enjoyed the tea and cookies with you.
Thank you for visiting, Connie.
I loved James Herriot! I read all his books when as a teenager and enjoyed the BBC series. I’ve been thinking about re-reading them. Yes, delight and beauty can be found in the smallest of things, like the tiny greens of a sprouting tulip. Thanks for this delightful read. And I’ll check out that trailer…
Hi Lynn. So far we’re only in the middle of reading the first book in the series. Yesterday’s chapter had us all laughing out loud. We hope to watch the old series (and I heard there’s a new version out as well), but not until we’ve finished the book. I wonder if the screen characters will match the ones we’ve formed in our heads.
Hi Joy !
Always enjoy the journey with your writing and your home is a beautiful place to be inspired. 💖
Your posts always scatter light ever so gently upon my heart.