Daisies in December

The daisy teaches us that even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, there is beauty to be found.

Flower Chimp**


Hello Friend,

Please come in! How wonderful to see you during this special season. Let me hang your coat here by the door, then let’s sit by the fireplace. Would you like the wing chair or the deep leather one?

It’s so strange not to have snow at this time of year, but it is a welcome change not to have to worry about icy roads and slippery paths. The Cowboy has been busy these last several weeks, hanging Christmas lights on railings and trees, so the place does look festive even though there’s no snow to brighten the nights or to glitter like diamonds during the day.

Now, I’ve made some Almond Rocha–such a simple recipe, but everyone raves about it. Would you care for some? There’s a plate of it on the table there, and the tea is about done steeping. It’s a white tea with vanilla and almond flavours called White Christmas. Just smell that aroma. You’d almost think there was chocolate hidden somewhere in it. We’ll have it in my new red-sweater mugs. Don’t you love these?



Our Christmas has been a quiet one this year. The hustle and bustle will begin when family arrives for New Year’s weekend. I’ve been up early in the mornings to curl up by the fire in the deep leather chair by the lighted Christmas tree. I read, I meditate on scripture, I pray. And I cry. Truth be told, I’ve shed more tears this season than I have in the last two years of seasons combined. I wonder if a grandmother’s tears carry a special kind of weight – every tear a wordless prayer for a struggling grandchild.

It is surprising then, in the midst of heartache, to find moments of joy and beauty, harmony and good will. They are like daisies in December, unexpected and refreshing. A visit with good friends, the purr of a comfortable kitten, beautifully written words, pretty lights on the lawn, the fun of making gifts for Christmas. All of these daisies seem sweeter this year, and I lovingly press them into the pages of my memory like I would tuck in a contented child.



Daisies are nature’s way of smiling, a burst of joy in the meadow of life.

Emily Dickinson


This is the essence of life, isn’t it? Pain and sorrow tempered by beauty and joy. It doesn’t always make the current trouble less painful, but the shadows prove the light, showing us that hope is not lost.

I’m so grateful for these daisies in my December, and I’ve begun making room for them, pausing in my day to find them and count them. I realize I have quite a bouquet, and I bet you do too.



I”m so glad you stopped in for a little visit today. As you step into this next year, whatever it may hold, I wish you daisies. Look for them, savour them, and press them, so that when you need them you can take them out and remember how you were given daisies in December.


I will rejoice and be glad in Your faithfulness, because you have seen my misery; You have known the troubles of my soul.

Psalm 31:7


Stay safe out there, and see you next time.



Spread graham wafers on a 10 X 15 cookie sheet
Cover with sliced almonds

On stove, boil together for 3 minutes on medium heat:
- 1/2 pound butter
- 3/4 cup brown sugar
- 1 tablespoon corn syrup

Spoon over base and bake 8 minutes at 350 F
When cooled, cut into fingers

Keep in cool place, do not refrigerate


Feature Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay Two daisies image by Petra from Pixabay

**Flower Chimp is a Malaysian flower delivery service founded in 2016 by Maximilian Lotz and Niklas Frassa.


  1. Dear Joy,
    Since mid-November, the call for me has been to not postpone joy. Happy as I was to receive a message so different from others before, soon it became perplexing as well – how does one revel in joy when life is lobbing one hit after another at us? You have the answer right here: daisies in December is possible. In the midst of all that is sorrowful and wrong, beauty can exist and thus, joy can be ours.

    As I penned my thoughts here, something else occurred to me: that even as I sought to embrace joy as it came to me, I could also do my part to “hurry joy to others” – not in a selfish and forceful way – but to gently pray for wounded hearts to heal in order to receive the sun of joys once more. So, being Catholic, I went to an unlikely December prayer which the angels brought me this year’s end, By the Voice of Thy Blood, and I prayed the prayer for you and for your pain. There’s a line towards the end of the prayer which brought me comfort and which I pray is the case for you as well,
    O Jesus, hasten the moment when You will change my tears to joy and my sighs to thanksgivings.

    1. This is beautiful, Caitlynne. Doing our part to “hurry joy to others” is a worthy endeavour and I thank you with all my heart for your prayer for me. It has brought me comfort as well. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment.

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