I find myself with an unexpectedly free afternoon.
But then I start wondering, is it really and truly free?
Because, all the things.
There are always so many chores on the list that could be filling this time. But, who ever thinks, I have a free afternoon! I can finally clean out the fridge. Yippee!!
That might be the responsible decision, but would it be wise?
Wisdom and responsibility. Two entirely different things.
We spent a recent evening with a lovely young couple whom we have known for many years. In fact, we knew the young man as a child.
But, something about that evening made me feel … beyond my youth.
As I’ve mulled this over since, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s because this boy we knew has become a responsible husband, dad, and businessman. His son will soon be driving! They have navigated their twenties and are forging fearlessly through their thirties.
Being responsible.
Making good decisions.
Becoming pillars of our society.
They are ready for the baton to be passed to them. In fact, I think it already has. My generation can breathe a sigh of relief.
They are well on their way to wisdom too. And wisdom doesn’t just happen. It is something to be sought. It is learning from life experiences. It is a conscious thing. A choice.
Those people well into their life experience, whom we admire for their wisdom, are people who consciously sought and learned it along the way. That’s not to say that every octogenarian is full of wisdom. Some people only learn enough from life experience to become wily. Wisdom isn’t even on the spectrum for them.
So where does that leave this fifty-something grandma of five? Perhaps somewhere near the realm of wisdom, with the option of being responsible.
Because, you and I both know … that fridge isn’t getting cleaned today.